Everlasting Life Sentence

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It seems like every church has one; the energizer bunny that makes everything happen in the church. They just seem to go and go, and you wonder if they’ll ever stop. Ours, in Reno, Nevada, was never the visible person at any function; never had to have the recognition. If there was a wedding, he was the one who planned, worked, or created. Every bridal shower and VBS, I remember Mr. Barr was always behind it somehow. They weren’t only Christians to us, but they were our neighbors as well. We lived two blocks from them, and when we were over there visiting their boys, something was always being created, fixed, or stitched. He reminds me of the story of Tabitha. Quilts he made pepper the countryside. If he knew you, he made you something.

He sewed the wedding dress for one of the girls in church and took over the production of my wedding ‘cake’ (a tier of cheesecakes). He even helped Mrs. Barr throw a baby shower even though I wasn’t there (I was living in Vermont by then). He just wanted me to have the presents. Mr. Barr was sort of the Uncle at the church at Reno. So many kids would have never have had costumes for School Spirit Week had he not brainstormed every year with his wife. I know many others in the church and church school that have so many more stories about things that Mr. Barr did for their weddings, baby showers, and birthdays.

In November 2020

Mr Barr discovered he had cancer in his mouth. He had surgery, and thought everything was good, Then he realized lumps appeared all over his body, he went back in and discovered he had developed mucosal melanoma. The diagnosis was that it was terminal. The first surgery caused the cancer to metastasize, and it has spread everywhere. it has rendered his condition inoperable.

Quote from Mr. Barr

He has a difficult time making himself understood as his mouth doesn’t open all the way anymore, and he has two holes in the roof of his mouth. This also makes it impossible for him to eat anything but mush. He had to have a breathing tube placed in his neck.

He does not face this battle alone though. The family of God (in Oklahoma now) bore them up. He says my faith is the solid rock that is going to get me through these hard times. He has had the stability of the church to lean on, both physically and spiritually as well. The church family raised $20,000 to help pay for his medical expenses, in addition to helping him with yard work. But more than the physical assistance he has felt the bedrock of prayers of the saints that he stands on. He was given three months to live last April it has been eleven. A few days ago, he replaced the toilet in their home.  He says without God, he would be dead. Mr. Barr has a loving God and Savior that watches over him.

The medical plan he is placed on is not a cure, his cancer is terminal. It only buys him time; he wants to see his grandchildren graduate high school, but he says, that is up to God and that is where he must leave it.  When God calls him home, that has to be His timing and not Mr. Barr’s.  He says we are guilty of getting in God’s way. Some days it is hard, as the worries of what will happen to his family after he is gone creep into his subconscious, but he is determined not to blame God, but instead encourage others through his trials.

He has doctors that are fighting hard for him as well. The chemotherapy he is on is very aggressive. It has slowed him down, although he is still able to work eight hours a day, but he is blessed to be able to take a break when he needs to. He says the circumstances in his life fit together in such a way to make him able to continue to work. The chemotherapy he is on comes at a cost of $21,000 it is new and is not covered by insurance, but it is free to him, because the pharmacy is paying for it. He takes a little longer to accomplish the things he used to but he has had so many blessings as he goes through this difficult time. Friends of Mr. Barr set up a gofundme to help him with his medical expenses, if you have the ability, I know he would be so grateful. https://www.gofundme.com/f/friends-in-financial-need?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_content=undefined&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=undefined

“When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Psalms 34:17

Sooner or later, everyone’s batteries run out. For Mr. Barr, an eternity of rest for a lifetime of work will be well-received.

3 thoughts on “Everlasting Life Sentence”

  1. I am privileged to know Milton and Darlene both and I’m sure there is so much we don’t know about this couple. Our friendship started out in Nebraska over 40 years ago. Through the years, we basically lost contact with them but we’re able to reestablish our friendship a few years before he got cancer. Milton had a great singing voice to go with his other talents. I still remember that just before we parted ways for our first ministry, in front of the whole church in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, Darlene sang and dedicated the song, “Friends” by Michael W. Smith to my wife and I. It is just as precious now as it was then. The Barrs will continue to be our Forever Friends! We love them both so much.
    Ivan and Carrie Dawn Bissell

  2. His life is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this inspirational history of Mr. Barr’s life and devotion to the Lord’s work. We can all use prayer warriors in our lives. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.

    Again, thank you for sharing, Katie.

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