My Father’s House

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Living in Ukraine made doing a traditional Vacation Bible School challenging. The culture is not used to it, and material from the U.S. doesn’t come in Russian. We had to do creative things. The video below is a project we did based on Ephesians. You can watch a time-lapse of the children assembling their own playground (you can even see it on google earth!).

I’ve added a new page (link top right) with a description, verses, and photos. My idea is for people to share youth programs that they have done and encourage those who work with youth to be creative and think outside of the pre-packaged pirate/space ship/explorer model. If you would like to share yours please send any material you have and I will try to package it and post it so others can share. Eventually, I will post some other things we have done.

One of the things that impressed us the most is how capable children are. They don’t have to be confined to the traditional VBS of games, snacks, and a craft using popsicle sticks. There was thought taken to those who were too young to get involved so we had a separate activity for them. Click on the youth project tab to see more details.