Freudian’s Slip

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Sigmond Freud was one of the first to attempt to place a definition to the parts of the human mind. As studies of the human mind continue to develop, and we attempt to comprehend the extent of the complexities of human psyche we only know enough to marvel at God’s creation. With the application of intelligence combined with character and personalities, the complexities of the creation of a human created in the image of God boggles the mind.

Sigmond Freud divided the mind into three categories: the ID, is the impulse. This is the only part of your psyche that develops in early childhood. This is what motivates you to eat, or sleep, tells you, you are thirsty etc. The EGO is the conscience mind. This is the part of your intellect responsible for the decisions you make organizing and reasoning this is the part that learns. The super EGO, is the part of your psyche that is morally rational. This is your conscience.

I would like to attempt to introduce you to a new part of your psyche. (Not my original idea, but my husband’s whose podcast is posted to the right of this page) The IMA is how you identify yourself. As an example, I am a coffee drinker, you might be a dentist.  Sometimes your IMA might be a part of yourself that can’t be changed my dad is Irish, and has a set of bagpipes, and the kilt and loves to remember the days back in the ‘old country’. I am also, Irish but it is only my DNA and not as much a part of my IMA. Most of us have multiple IMA in the case of a dentist who is also a coffee drinker.

Many of us will post an IMA on our bumper sticker, such as political views, or places we have been. Many of us will advertise IMA on a t-shirt such as “IMA grandma”.  

              I was thirteen years old when I decided I was a vegetarian. I maintained this IMA while in college and while dating Andrew. He lived in Vermont delivering WIC. A nutrition program for woman, infants, and children. In most States WIC is picked up from a grocery store and paid for with a pre-paid card. Vermont is such a rural state it is difficult for many families to get to a grocery store, and so WIC was delivered.

              Andrew’s coworker heard I was a vegetarian and thought it would be hilarious to pull a prank on me. They invited me to go on their route one day when I was visiting them. They had a hot dog stand they liked to frequent on every week when on their route. Andrew’s coworker and the hot dog man concocted a plan ahead of time. His coworker told the hotdog man Andrew would have a girl with him that is a vegetarian and that when she asked for a veggie dog, that he should offer me pine cones and leaves and sticks to go on my veggie dog. Both really thought it was funny when the hotdog man remembered the following week and played along with their joke.

              I like hotdogs now, the meaty kind. My IMA has changed as I am influenced by those around me.  I have taken on other IMA and Andrew has aligned with mine in many ways as we do life together. He has to have his pick-me-up cup of Joe in the afternoon even if I am not there to brew him a pot.

I have not had the opportunity to sing with a large stadium of people, but I have heard it is awesome when thousands of voices join creating a single melody. You don’t want to hear me sing by myself and the majority of us don’t sound quite as good as we think we do when singing alone in the shower. Christians are human and flawed but the collection of the lives striving to be like Jesus culminates in a beautiful depiction of the body of Christ. Across countries and languages and cultures, the collection of hearts serving Him must be a beautiful thing to God. The Bible instructs us to meditate on the word of God, day and night. The more time we spend with Him, the more our IMA aligns with Christ. He lives in us. and over time our IMA should align more with His. If we have turned our lives over to Christ, our IMA is a piece of the body of Christ.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

“IMA Christian”. My IMA is a part of the I Am.

Most assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, “I Am”.  John 8:58

In the United States I don’t live in a time, when people pick up stones to throw at me when I profess my IMA, hopefully that time will not be in my children’s lifetime or ever.  But it will come, and we will need to be ready to confess Him whether or not it is convenient to us.