The Gospel in India

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Samuel stopped inside the door of his home, surprised to find members of the church sitting on his couch and chairs with their hands folded and looking somber. He looked from face to face, no one said a word. What is happening? His voice cracked nervously.  

“I heard a rumor that there are some men coming to visit.” The way Elijah, his father said this he understood, they weren’t coming for ‘tea’. His father motioned for him to have a seat behind the other men. He didn’t have to wait long before a knock came at the door. He hoped they would just talk, but he knew they could be violent, it wouldn’t be the first time. He knew his father would confront the men and reason with them from the scriptures but he was glad the other men of the church were there. The door opened to reveal a mob. They ranted and railed insults at my father.  He calmly returned every accusation with scripture.

Church of Christ at Edara

 We usually hear this kind of persecution coming from Muslims and in some instances, Hindus, but that was not Samuel’s experience. This persecution came from other so-called Christians; Catholics and local denominations.  

Samuel recalls his father telling him, how he himself had been a part of these denominational Christians. When Elijah was about sixteen years old, he started attending services in the churches of Christ. He heard concepts that challenged what he had always understood the scripture to teach. He got a hold of a Bible and eagerly began to read. This opened a whole new meaning of Jesus’ teachings. The truth dawned on him slowly. The more he read the more he felt the churches he had been raised in were teaching things that benefitted only themselves. After studying for three months his grandfather and grandmother and father decided to have their sins washed away in baptism calling on the name of the Lord. (1 Peter 3:21) The church in Edara, India was born. 

That was when the persecution started. Denominational “Christians” didn’t like to have their hypocritical deeds exposed Samuel recalls numerous incidents of beatings and riots at different times.  

 When Samuel became a Christian, his father registered them as Christians according to the words of Jesus.

So, everyone who acknowledges me before men I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in Heaven.  

Matthew 10:32 

This had some consequences for Samuel and his family. As Christians in Andra Pradesh state, they are moved to the lowest caste in society, the Dalits. 1% of jobs available are provided for the Dalits. Of this number Hindus are preferred over Christians. This means they have almost no jobs available to them, and as an additional benefit their eligibility for health care is also taken away. The caste system is technically illegal, abolished in 1950. India has even elected two presidents from the cast of the Dalits. but the centuries-old social system persists. Despite the hardships, Samuel remembers once someone came to them asking for ten rupees (thirteen cents) his father gave it without hesitation though it was all he had.

  Now Samuel is getting his degree from Sunset Bible institute, while he preaches in a second congregation in Nuzvid and teaches classes for the World Bible Institute while also translating the materials for the World Bible School. Just recently they celebrated the graduation of twenty-five students from the school and another twenty are set to graduate with their certificate soon. They would like to introduce these courses to other Churches of Christ in India. But they can’t print their materials or distribute them for a lack of funds.  

The needs are great, Samuel and Elijah want to give to the poor, but they are struggling to provide food even for their own families.

If you want to be a part of this work in India or if you want to do a one one-time gift Samuel and Elijah would be so grateful. You are welcome to comment here, or if email is easier for you, please write to  

3 thoughts on “The Gospel in India”

  1. Hello my brother in Christ, good to hear from you. You are right, the Bible tells us about persecution even when we try to do that with is right.. hears hoping all is well, thanks for the info. It was good to hear from you… much peace, love and blessings to you all…

  2. Good morning my brother, good to hear from you. Hears knowing that life will get better, but we must keep the faith. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippian Church, part of his message encouraged them to keep the faith, be strong of one accord and the oneness mind. Philippians 1:27. Many blessings,many prayers…

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