What if we are loved by an enemy?

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Many have heard the distressing circumstances Mariupol has been in with heavy shelling since February 24, 2022. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say the whole of the Russian military has been hyper-focused on this little coastal community of 446,000 people. Strategically, Mariupol stands between the Crimea and the Donbas separatists. This is why Russia is determined to have it. 20,000 Ukrainian lives have been lost in Mariupol and at least that many Russian military personnel. 

Sasha says the church stayed together in the church building. They passed the time praying and taking turns reading scripture aloud. They kept themselves occupied searching for food and water.  

A member of the church sent this on March 18: 

 It would never even enter your mind what is happening here…. I and my family are in the church on the left bank. By God’s grace, we are alive. They are simply wiping the city off the face of the earth. It is completely smashed to bits. There is no electricity – all the wires are on the ground, no gas – the gas lines are torn up. People are going outside to wood stoves to cook something to eat. There is no water or fuel. We have a well in the church, but the water is salty. We drink salty tea, and people on the street go hungry. It is written:  

“Don’t be afraid, this still isn’t the end!”  

But this is all so scary. Bodies are lying in the streets because they cannot keep up taking them away. It is possible that they simply will not take the bodies away. It is so difficult!   

 I hope in the Lord, that he is planning something for us. . . 


God did have a plan from the most unexpected of sources. 

silhouette of man standing in the shadows of the window
God’s deliverance

 Russian citizens have had their own set of troubles since the beginning of the war. The Russian people feel sanctions on the Russian economy much more than the intended target; the Russian government. Inflation is at 12.5%, compared to our 8%. A pound of meat in Russia is $18 USD. Rent is $636 USD on average. Utilities are about $120 USD for the typical Russian resident. The average income is one-fifth of the income we have here in the States. Disposable income does not exist for the average Russian. And on top of all that Putin just signed a law on March 1, 2022, that the Russian Ruble was not to leave Russia. At extreme risk to themselves, Russians paid travel expenses to get a large group of Christians out of Mariupol.

Sasha says mercy came from a source that most would consider the enemy. Yet, it is to them, that his life is indebted. Sasha pleads with his fellow Ukrainians to forgive the offenses committed against them by the Russians. Too many people will likely let the bitterness become a festering wound that will remain with them for the rest of their days. We can’t rebuild our lives and our homes and families if we hold on to our anger. The only way back is to forgive our enemies.    

When asked about his opinion of the war, the Russian preacher I spoke with says they don’t talk much about politics, “It is divisive and doesn’t help anyone. No one grows in their faith when we discuss politics.”, he said.

Sasha says when we have this horrible time behind us, will we have the courage to be like a Russian? Will we be willing to shine the hope of Jesus in a dark world? 

2 thoughts on “What if we are loved by an enemy?”

  1. Thank you for writing this. There are some things I’ve been feeling and believing that I didn’t…and still don’t… feel comfortable saying, specifically about the Russian people. To lump any group of people all together as if they are all the same is, I believe, a big error. I wouldn’t want to be lumped in with other people who are like me, nationality-wise but may not be like me emotionally or spiritually. We humans do tend to lump folks together like that. You know…”all _____ are like this” and “all _____ are like that.” Generalizing very seldom is actually accurate. Thank you SO much for including this interview in your post. You do my heart SO much good.

  2. God’s message to the world: love overcomes hate!

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful message!

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