Keep your eyes peeled

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I don’t usually subject you to the newlywed stories but this one is worth your time. My husband was 29 when we got married, and was a bachelor for many years, so he was used to doing things for himself; laundry, dishes, fixing his own dinner etc. He didn’t feel dependent on me for those things, especially at the beginning. We were married two months before his 30th birthday, a significant milestone, so my first big event of our marriage was planning his surprise birthday celebration.

I had arranged to have Travis call us to ‘invite’ us out for pizza and everybody from the church was going to meet us at the pizza joint and surprise my husband. That was the plan.

Andrew came home from work that day hungry and when he saw that dinner wasn’t in progress He immediately took matters into his own hands as he was used to. He decided to make one of his go-to’s: a bachelor’s ‘baked’ potato (cooking trick of the day: a potato rubbed in oil and wrapped in a grocery bag will cook up and be soft as a baby’s bum in 5 minutes). Seeing him grab a bag and a potato, I immediately knew what he was doing and intersected him mid-kitchen, before he could get to the microwave.

I was quite adamant about not being in the mood for a baked potato, and he was quite adamant about being hungry at that exact moment in time! My plan was unraveling, so I made a decision that could’ve derailed the entire surprise.

“I’m in the mood for pizza.” I pleaded. The phone call hadn’t come yet, and I didn’t know how long I could stall. Andrew didn’t feel like pizza. He wanted instant gratification. At first I stood between him and the microwave, but then I actually had to wrestle him to the ground! He could not understand why he couldn’t have a baked potato. He started to suspect that I had something in the microwave.

I had him pinned to the kitchen floor when finally, the phone rang, and wouldn’t you know it; our friends were also in the mood for pizza. He could not believe the bizarre coincidence that I wanted pizza and then a friend called and was simultaneously craving pizza on the same night, especially a Monday. He appeared to have no suspicions, so we got up and went to pizza.

When we pulled into the parking lot, Andrew noticed a car of Travis’ cousin, then the preacher’s, and another member (Rutland, Vermont is a small town). I remember him remarking,
“That’s odd, everyone’s here tonight!”

At this point, I realized that he was unaware that it was his birthday! This was complete random chain of events that had no explanation! The phrase “men don’t take hints”, was coined with my husband in mind. He only realized what it was all about when we walked into the restaurant and a long table with the 12-14 of our church friends were sitting on either side yelling “SURPRISE”!! He stood there with a calculated expression for a second and then the light dawned, and it all made sense.

That’s when Andrew decided pizza was a better idea than microwaving a potato.

Shortsightedness can limit our joy.

I know not all metaphors are perfect. I don’t want to give an old cliche about how we need to just sit around and wait for God to call on the phone and say, “Hey, I know you forgot your birthday, but do you want to come to pizza?”

I hate the idea that we are supposed to be passive and do nothing, waiting for a bright neon light to come down and point the way. I know I am often guilty of wanting immediate satisfaction. We don’t know what God has in mind for us. We just have a strong impulse and we can’t see a chain of events God is building to get us somewhere better.

                 We want to be gratified instantly but instant gratification is almost never in our best interest. Sometimes God might be keeping you from a potentially dangerous situation, or he may just be developing skills you will need in a role he has for you down the road.  

                God did something similar recently in my life. Looking back on it, I can see how God has been working. Since 2016, I have worked for myself cleaning houses. I have enjoyed the opportunity to witness, since I had myself as a boss. But, I was discontent being outside the home and away from my family. What made it frustrating was pouring my effort into client after client, and not seeing any of them make more than a slight or temporary lifestyle change.

Sometimes I went to work and through tears I prayed that God would provide me with something else. I wanted so badly to do something meaningful, but still needed to contribute financially to our family. Honestly, I wasn’t sure that combination existed (at least not for me), but God did. In the meantime I thought about getting a two year certification in other careers. I began to resent my schooling at an unaccredited Bible Institute.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7

In December, Andrew came home with these words:
“I think I might have a job for you.”

I have mentioned Healing Hearts, an organization that provides support for individuals and families, as they go through some of the darkest times in their life. Their program director stepped down to take another position, and they needed to find a new director before the end of January, or the spring session would be in jeopardy. At the time, I had run the extent of my influence with my current clients, and God was opening a door for a new opportunity.

I feel this is important: I had done what I could, even if it didn’t turn out like I wanted. Until I used my opportunities, I didn’t get a better one. Sometimes, when we say we need to wait on God’s timing, it can sound like we should continue in the rut we have made for ourselves, or worse, do nothing, and hope God has something better for us.

Now, I get to do something meaningful, and I get to work from home, and be available for my kids. While working for myself cleaning houses, I developed skills in social networking, business management, and most importantly, interpersonal relationships. All these skills are now a major part of my new job. God was working in my life. He knew I was dissatisfied, but His timing wasn’t mine.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.  I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; 
Ecclesiastes 3:11,12

2 thoughts on “Keep your eyes peeled”

  1. I am so glad you shared this information about how God has directed your steps. I found a scripture that reminds me of all that you spoke about here. Psalm 37:23 – The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in His way. I am so encouraged to see how God is using your strengths and abilities…and your heart. I feel the very same way about how God is using Andrew, as well.

    Thank you for sharing this new part of your journey. :

  2. Waiting and trusting is something I have been working on too. That is awesome that God had a great job in store for you!

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